Scary Disney: Robin Hood: The Sheriff, The Prince, Sir Hiss. The Jailbreak and The Fire

Image result for robin hood 1973 movie poster

Robin Hood, the tale of the famous outlaw who fights the taxes of Prince John and wins the hand of his childhood sweetheart Maid Marion. Disney made this classic with animals telling the story and did a fantastic job of it. Alan-a-dale, a rooster, opens the story telling the audience of two outlaws, Robin Hood, a fox, and Little John, a bear, who rob from the rich to give to the poor. The Sheriff of Nottingham, a wolf, tries to stop them. One day Prince John hosts an archery tournament so Robin Hood dresses as a stork, he wins and gets a kiss from Maid Marion. Prince John however sees through his disguise and has him arrested, a fight breaks out, Robin Hood, Little John and all of the townsfolk escape. Later on, Prince John overhears Sir Hiss and The Sheriff singing, ‘The Phony King of England,’ outraged by this he triples the taxes and has most of the townspeople in jail because they can’t pay it. Prince John orders for Friar Tuck, one of Robin’s companions, to be hung at dawn so Robin would show himself. Robin and Little John plan a jailbreak and break all of the townsfolk out of jail. During the raid Prince Johns castle catches fire, a fight breaks out and Robin escapes in the nick of time. King Richard returns to England and arrests his own brother Prince John, Sir Hiss and The Sheriff. He allows Robin and Maid Marion to marry giving him, ‘an outlaw for an in-law.’ Disney made this a fantastic movie with some classic songs and some great characters we’d never forget and a few scenes to give us nightmares for years to come.  

  1. The Sheriff
  2. The Prince
  3. Sir Hiss
  4. The Jailbreak
  5. The Fire

  1. The Sheriff

The Sheriff of Nottingham, played by a wolf in the movie he is one out of three villains. He does Prince Johns dirty work, collecting money from the townsfolk. The first time we see the Sheriff is him skipping through town joyfully about to collect taxes, he follows Friar Tuck into Otto’s, a dogs home, Otto quickly puts some money Friar has given him into a cast on his leg so the Sheriff doesn’t see it. The Sheriff unfortunately can hear the money jiggle as he walks. After Otto sits down the Sheriff takes his leg and shakes the money out of him not caring how much pain Otto is in. Friar Tuck goes to defend Otto but the Sheriff doesn’t listen and skips off happily with his money. A cruel hearted man.  

He then walks into Mother Rabbits home where he hears the rabbits singing Happy Birthday to Skippy. Skippy opens his present to reveal a coin which the Sheriff snaps from him. His mother calls out, ‘Have you no heart?’ to which the Sheriff replies ‘Now that’s mighty thoughty of you, widder woman. The family that saves together pays together. Oh now, don’t take it too hard. Prince John wishes you a happy birthday too!” Yeah, Prince John only wishes him a Happy Birthday so he can have his money! Another act of evilness.  

After the archery tournament a fight breaks out. The Sheriff and his men fight Robin Hood, Little John and the townsfolk. Though both parties are serious to win it, it is told in a comical way with numerous characters getting injured in humorous ways. The Sheriff was battered with rocks but still made it out alive. This is one seriously funny scene.  

After the fight at the tournament the Sheriff goes to the church to collect taxes from the mice who live there. Friar Tuck nearby loses his rag and gets angry. He literally bounces’ the Sheriff out the church and ends up in a sword fight with him. The vultures who work with the Sheriff pull Friars hood over him and attach a chain around his neck, the Sheriff then leads him off to jail. We all feel sorry for Friar Tuck in this scene.  

We see the Sheriff fight, again, during the jailbreak scene. The third fight of the movie. This one being the third most intense scene of the movie. The Sheriff fights against the townsfolk and again loses. Like the fight at the archery tournament its quite serious but told in a comical way. The Sheriff really is a true fighter.  

Robin Hood is trapped in the castle. He runs around and ends up in Prince Johns bedroom. The Sheriff follows him up and a fire breaks out and another fight. The Sheriff really shows his true colours here. He chases Robin up the top of the tower where Robin then jumps off into the river. The Sheriff has lost again. He really does play a great villain in the movie. 

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2. The Prince

Prince John. The main villain of the movie. Where do we even start with him!? At the archery tournament when Prince John sees through Robin Hoods disguise he turns into an absolute madman sentencing Robin to death. ‘Seize him! I sentence you to sudden, instant and even immediate death!” the crowd is in shock. This is an act of evil. Just as evil as Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and the Queen from Snow White. Maid Marion claims her love for Robin Hood. The crowd shouts, ‘Long live King Richard!’ to which Prince John replies, ‘Enough! I am King! King! King! Ahh! Off with his head!’ Prince John is officially insane. Even Sir Hiss says at one point, ‘He’s gone stark raving mad!’ Enough is said there.  

Right after the archery scene Sir Hiss and the Sheriff are singing, ‘The Phony King of England’, unfortunately Prince John overhears. The Sheriff tells him it’s a number one hit in the village but John doesn’t care. After Sir Hiss sees John walking in he immediately switches to compliments, ‘The fabulous, marvellous, merciful, chivalrous – ‘but John heard enough beforehand. John turns insane again, ‘Double the taxes! Triple the taxes! Squeeze every last drop out of those, insolent, musical peasants!’ And he has most of the town in jail. He is truly a madman.  

After Friar Tuck is arrested and thrown in jail Prince John sits on his throne in a total rage. He is downright irritated by something. It’s quite scary to watch. Even Sir Hiss is frightened. Though Sir Hiss is scared, he manages to say something to John, ‘Sir… if I may… may venture an opinion… you’re not your usual cheerful, genial self today’ to which John explodes. ‘It’s Robin Hood I want you idiots!’ Sir Hiss and the Sheriff are both petrified of Prince John so do their best to meet his demands. Prince John certainly plays the part of an evil sadistic villain well.  

Image result for prince john robin hood 1973

3. Sir Hiss

Sir Hiss is Prince Johns right hand man/snake. He’s not as scary as the Sheriff or Prince John but he still has his moments. At the start of the movie he tries to hypnotise Prince John, ‘Hypnotism could rid you of your – psychosis  -so – easily’ but Prince John snaps out of it and shoves him into a basket calling him a ‘silly serpent.’  Sir Hiss’s only scary moment of the movie

Things certainly turn around later in the movie when Prince John turns mad on several occasions. Sir Hiss get the back end of this and a few beatings. He plays the part of Prince Johns creepy sidekick quite well.  

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 4. The Jailbreak

The jailbreak scene, the second most intense scene of the movie. Whilst Little John is outside distracting the guards Robin Hood is inside Prince Johns room collecting all the gold. Prince John wakes up and chaos ensues. The guards leap into action to try and stop them all from escaping. Though serious the scene is told in a comical way with characters getting injured in quite humorous ways. Robin Hood gets trapped in the castle and Prince John turns madder than ever. A terrifying scene which builds to the climax of the movie.  

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5. The Fire

Robin Hood rescues little Skippy’s sister and is trapped in the castle. A fire breaks out. Robin Hood lads in Prince Johns room and endures a deadly battle with the Sheriff. A few comical moments happen with the Sheriff with him receiving some amusing injuries. Robin outsmarts him and runs away to the top of the tower. Prince John and Sir Hiss show up nearby. The fire rages on and chases Robin up the tower. Robin actually looks petrified in this scene. He jumps from the tower into the water. Prince John is now scared that Robin has got away, he urges his guards on, ‘Shoot him! Kill him! Kill him!’ Arrows fire into the water, Robin doesn’t turn up, Little John and Skippy cry nearby thinking he has died, Prince John laughs manically with his victory. Seconds later Robin turns up and shouts towards Prince John and Sie Hiss, ‘A pox on that’s phony King of England! Oo-de lally! Oo-de lally!’ Prince John breaks down crying with his defeat.  

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Shortly after King Richard returns to England he has the Sheriff, Sir Hiss and Prince John arrested and lets Maid Marion marry Robin Hood, A happy ending. Though the movie has a few frightening scenes for younger viewers it still remains a classic movie.  

A 30 second version of the movie –

A fun music video –

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