Scary Disney: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the Pooh, Rabbit and Heffalumps and Woozles

Winnie the Pooh is one of the most popular media franchises written by Alan Alexander Milne. Many movies, television series and video games have been created surrounding Winnie the Pooh. In 1977 Disney took this on and made it into a theatrical film. The film consists of three featurettes based upon the books by the author, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too. A few extra scenes were recorded to let the stories merge into each other. A fourth segment was added to help bring the film to a close, The House at Pooh Corner. Where Pooh Bears owner, Christopher Robin must leave the Hundred Acre Wood, he asks Pooh Bear to promise to remember him. Pooh agrees and tells Christopher Robin he will always be waiting for him whenever he returns.

The movie is an absolute classic. However, there are a few scenes in the movie that leave you with a few nightmares and make you think, what just happened there?

  1. Winnie the Pooh
  2. Rabbit
  3. Heffalumps and Woozles
  1. Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh, the main character of the movie. A very loveable, charismatic bear. At the start of the movie Pooh bear does some exercises and breaks out into a catchy song, “When I up, down, touch the ground. It puts me in the mood, up down touch the ground. In the mood, for food. I am stout, round and I have found, speaking poundage wise, I improve my appetite, when I exercise” His head twists around his body whilst he does this, just a tad creepy for a kid’s film. He could have maybe found another exercise apart from a head twist. Then when he bends over to touch his toes his back splits open, he casually stitches himself back up. Surely when his head twisted that would have ripped part of his body? But then anything can happen in the cartoon world.

Image result for winnie the pooh 1977 exercise

At the very end of the movie the camera pans out of the hundred-acre wood and into a child’s bedroom. The narrator ends the film and then a stuffed Pooh bear winks towards the camera. Some viewers were freaked out by this thinking their own dolls would do the same, as if! But some viewers saw the sweet side of it. You can’t please everyone. The point of Pooh bear winking is to symbolize that Winnie the Pooh is always there for Christopher Robin. A sweet story, but not everyone saw it that way.

2. Rabbit

Rabbit, one of Pooh bears many friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. He lives in a burrow and has a farm of carrots. In the first short of the film Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree Pooh bear stops by Rabbits house for lunch. Pooh bear helps himself to jars of honey till there is none left. As he tries to leave, he gets stuck in the front door, he ends up being stuck there for the day which upsets Rabbit. After a few days Pooh finally budges which turns Rabbit insane. He runs around like a maniac and pulls his ears down below his head, Rabbits slight moment of madness. Just a little creepy.

Image result for winnie the pooh 1977 rabbit ears

In the short Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too Rabbit arranges a meeting with Pooh and Piglet to stop Tigger from bouncing, he wants to abandon Tigger in the forest and find him the next day so Tigger will agree to stop bouncing on his friends. At first things go well when Tigger disappears, but then Rabbit, Piglet and Pooh get lost and things turn a little dark and misty. They start to walk around in circles and things get quiet and eerie. Rabbit tells Pooh and Piglet to wait in a sandpit while he finds a way out, he unfortunately does not and becomes lost once again. Pooh and Piglet ends up finding their own way out whilst Rabbit is wandering lost in the forest. Rabbit starts to hear noises and sees things making him anxious. The forest gets to him and he snaps, he sprints out of the forest and bumps into Tigger and heads back to the Hundred Acre Wood. The look on Rabbits face here says it all.

Image result for winnie the pooh forest scene rabbit

3. Heffalumps and Woozles

In the short Winnie Pooh and the Blustery Day we hear of Heffalumps and Woozles. Poohs friend Tigger comes for a visit in search of something to eat, he tries Poohs honey, but doesn’t like it, he tells Pooh that there are Heffalumps and Woozles in the forest that steal honey. Tigger leaves shortly after leaving Pooh petrified. Pooh stays awake to guard his honey but he falls asleep and has a dream about Heffalumps and Woozles, which is where our nightmare begins. It is a little similar to The Pink Elephants on Parade in Dumbo, elephants appear out of nowhere morphing themselves into different shapes and sizes with yellow creepy eyes. They sing in a creepy tone whilst Pooh bear runs around helplessly frightened. Psychedelic and creepy for young viewers. The picture says everything we need to know.

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Its a great movie with unforgettable characters and songs. You may unfortunately have nightmares of Heffalumps and Woozles after watching. Thanks Disney for making this into a fantastic film!

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