Scary Disney: Oliver and Company: Bill Sykes, Roscoe and DeSoto and The Subway Chase

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Oliver and Company is based on the classic tale of Oliver Twist told with talking animals. A homeless kitten, Oliver joins a group of dogs to try and survive on the streets. It is based in 19th Century New York. Fagin’s gang is made up of dogs and Bill Sykes is a loan shark. It does a great job of telling the story. The movie leaves us with a few bad characters and scenes we’d love to forget.

  1. Bill Sykes
  2. Roscoe and DeSoto
  3. The Subway Chase
  1. Bill Sykes

Bill Sykes is the main antagonist of the film. He is a loan shark and mafia crime boss that works in a warehouse by the docks. In the movie he lends a large amount of money to Fagin. When the time comes Fagin can’t find the money to pay Sykes back and finds himself in a lot of trouble. One day Fagin follows a lost kitten who finds a new owner. He quickly finds out who the owner is, Jenny Foxworth. She belongs to a wealthy family so Fagin decides to hold the kitten, Oliver, for a ransom fee. He tells Sykes of the plan, but Sykes instead holds the girl for ransom.

Sykes comes across as a brutal, impatient, ruthless and greedy psychopath, because he is one. He is a frightening realistic villain. He is one of the very few Disney villains to hold a gun onscreen, which is a terrifying thought in itself. Though he doesn’t look particularly frightening like other Disney villains, he certainly shows how evil, menacing and cunning he actually is. What a sadistic man.

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When Sykes meets up with Fagin to collect his money, he is quickly disappointed to find that Fagin has no money with him. He makes it clear to Fagin that people get hurt if he doesn’t get his money on time. The Polish version is much more terrifying than the English, “Do you know what happens to people who try to fool me Fagin? I crush them like bugs. And you are an especially miserable bug. Do I make myself clear?” Words. The most powerful tool. Just like Bill Sykes facial expressions.

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When Sykes holds Jenny ransom he is on the phone to Winston, the family’s butler. Sykes tries to make Winston get in contact with Jenny’s parents for money. He tells Winston, “Someone could get hurt. Just get the old man on the phone and tell ‘im its about his daughter, Jenny” He then looks towards Jenny in a threatening evil manner watching her struggle. What an uncaring and uncharming man. Sykes plays one of the craziest, nastiest and move evil villains Disney has ever created.

Image result for bill sykes oliver and company

2. Roscoe and Desoto

Roscoe and Desoto play two Dobermans that belong to Bill Sykes. Just like their owner they are evil, cruel, sadistic and all the rest. When we first meet the two Dobermans, they enter Fagin’s boathouse to tell Fagin to meet with Sykes to get his money back. While they are there, they tease Dodger and his gang. They smash a television and on the way out DeSoto tries to eat Oliver, the rest of the gang step into protect Oliver. The looks on the Dobermans faces are enough to scare anyone off.

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Later on in the movie when Fagin talks to Sykes about getting money from Olivers owner, Sykes snaps his fingers sending his dogs to attack Fagin. Dodger takes action and leaps into defend Fagin. He fights but is knocked unconscious. Sykes really does show he will hurt anyone to get what he wants. He plays the part of the cold-hearted villain well.

Image result for roscoe and desoto attack fagin

Towards the end of the movie a chase ensues. The chase ends up on train tracks. Sykes is in a car whilst Fagin and his gang are on a scooter. Jenny falls onto Sykes car, Oliver jumps onto the car and Dodger follows, he unfortunately lands near Roscoe who grabs Dodgers bandana and falls onto the train tracks and is electrocuted. A terrifying moment. Seconds later DeSoto lands his teeth on Dodger trying to kill him, but Oliver intervenes and DeSoto then falls on the tracks. Quite a grim ending for these two dogs.

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3. The Subway Chase

The subway chase. The most intense dramatic scene of the movie. Sykes has kidnapped Jenny for ransom and is holding her near the docks. Sykes tells Fagin his debt has paid off but Fagin can’t forget about Jenny. Fagin leaves but grabs a scooter, his gang, Jenny and start a chase.

Roscoe and DeSoto start chasing Fagin and the others down the street, but then Sykes turns up in his car. Fagin drives down into a train station but this doesn’t stop Sykes, he drives down and they end up on train tracks. Jenny falls off the scooter and onto Sykes car. Oliver jumps back to save her, bites Sykes hand in the process who throws him into the back of the car. Dodger then jumps onto the car to save them both. Then things turn ugly really quickly.

Roscoe grabs Dodgers bandana but falls onto the tracks, he gets electrocuted and dies. Quite a horrendous ending. Seconds later DeSoto pushes Dodgers head towards the tracks trying to kill him, but Oliver jumps on him clawing him. DeSoto then falls onto the tracks and dies, another horrific ending. The chase is not over yet. They come out of the tunnel and see a train heading in their direction. Fagin and his gang save themselves but Sykes sees his end coming and is crushed by the train. Fagin and the dogs return Jenny home and live happily ever after. Disney certainly made this into a tale no one will ever forget. Jenny celebrates her birthday with the animals and Sykes and his dogs got what they truly deserved. Thanks Disney for making this a fantastic movie.

Image result for oliver and company sykes death

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